In Religious Education 11.17.19

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about gravity, learn about the Bible, continue making items for the Humane Society, examine gender roles, and explore Intergroup Dialogue.   

Our RE Ambassador is Arthur Freeheart. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Katie Boczarski and Coral Pondysh. 

Spirit Play will hear the story, “I Know What Gravity Does,” which explores the work of gravity in a child’s daily life. 

Teachers: Margaret Harloe and Shelby Hunkins 

Love Will Guide Us will continue to explore the fourth Source of Unitarian Universalism, expressed in children’s language as “Jewish and Christian teachings which tell us to love all others as we love ourselves.”  Children will learn about the Bible and create a mural. 

Teachers: Eileen Wheeler and Pete Beekman 

Maker Space will continue to create cat scratch boxes and napping boxes for the Potsdam Humane Society. 

Teachers: Karen Bage and Pete Wyckoff 

Jr High OWL will look to define gender roles and expressions and examine their cultural biases and to understand that gender roles can be limiting and oppressive, with negative effects for everyone. 

Facilitators: Todd Moe and Jan DeWaters 

Youth Group will host a guest from St. Lawrence University and explore the topic of Intergroup Dialogue.  Intergroup Dialogue varies from other forms of class discussion because it incorporates aspects of self-reflection and societal awareness. 

Advisors: Danny Thomas and Ben Hunkins