Sunday Worship & Volunteers 11.17.19

The Footprints of Windigo
The Rev. James Galasinski

The Ojibwe people tell the story of the Windigo, a mythological monster that personifies greed and selfishness. He was supposed to be native to the forests north of the Great Lakes but now his footprints are all around us. We will again look to the wisdom of Robin Wall Kimmerer.

Music: UU Handbell Choir
Worship Associate: Arianna Whittaker
RE Ambassador: Wil Rivers
Greeters: Pat Alden & Louis Tremaine, Rajiv & Geetika Narula
Social Hour Host: Mark Berninghausen, David Doran, Barney Gage
Collection Counters: Jon Montan, Lorraine Olendzenski