Living Beautifully With Uncertainty and Change

Pema Chodron has been one of my most influential teachers. Mostly I have learned from her wisdom through her books. The book on my shelf most dog-eared and highlighted and faded is my copy of When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times. I have had the privilege of attending weekend silent retreats with her, twice now, where she broke the silence for sanga talks twice each day.

Pema’s newest book, Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change, has had a big impact on me, and is perfect for this time in my life! When I need reminders of how to live, of how to maintain sanity with all this uncertainty, I reach for this.

We naturally want stability and surety in a world that is constantly in flux. Luckily Pema doesn’t stop at pointing out this inner struggle, but continues on with easy-to-read and follow steps for becoming more comfortable and authentic in a world filled with constant change.

She teaches the Tibetan Three Commitments, which are three vows for embracing the chaotic, uncertain, dynamic, challenging nature of our situation as a path to awakening. These commitments entail embracing the fundamental groundlessness or impermanence in life and the prevention of intentional harm to oneself and others; taking on the courage and responsibility to embrace others as oneself; and embracing the world just as it is.

Imagine if we could keep those vows at the heart of our daily life. Her wise words and straightforward talk help me to aspire to do just that, and my life is better for it.

Jan Hutslar, June 2014