Sunday Worship & Volunteers 9.29.19

Intentional Formation
The Rev. Margaret Weis, Pulpit Guest

How do we grow as spiritual beings in community with one another? Together we will reflect on the ways we are shaped by this congregation, by our families, and by our practices that help form our faith and our intention in life.

The Rev. Margaret Weis serves as the minister at the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca, New York. She is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, originally from the Boston area. Rev. Weis and her wife, Susan, live in Freeville with their rescue dog and five chickens. She is excited to come to Canton and share worship with our congregation.

Music: UU Choir, Betsy Kepes
Lay Leader: Arianna Whittaker
RE Ambassador: TBD
Greeters: Sara Ricalton, Todd Moe & Paul Siskind
Social Hour Host: Heather & Jeff Rousell, Gabrielle & Ashley Clover
Collection Counters: Lorraine Olendzenski, Valerie Ingram