Sunday Worship & Volunteers 6.2.19

Transitions in Faith and Gender
The Rev. James Galasinski and Quin Currie

Being transgender is not a foreign thing to be scared of, but a surprisingly common and normal part of many people’s lives. However, transitioning genders can be an internal battle. Real existential questions can arise: is being a transgender instead of a cisgender woman a mistake from god or nature? We are all in transition in some way. We never arrive, we are always arriving into the station. Today we celebrate the beginning of Pride Month by hearing from Quin Currie, a transgender rights activist, an intern at Planned Parenthood Outreach Center, and a leader of Trans Youth United, a transgender support group hosted by our congregation.

Worship Associate: Dave Nelson
RE Ambassador: Shelby Hunkins
Greeters: Esther Katz, Sally Vrooman, Ruth Baltus, Bill Hull
Social Hour Host: Kim Bouchard, Annie Chase, Judy & Shaili Singh
Collection Counters: Lonie Bogett, Ruth Baltus