Sunday Worship & Volunteers 11.3.19

Room on the Pew
The Rev. James Galasinski

Sometimes it’s difficult to include everyone in our faith journey. We strive to embody the spirit of welcome and hospitality, we must make room in our pews for all identities. People often dress to express their identity. You are invited to wear something that expresses your identity or the costume you wore for Halloween. This multigenerational service will look to the book “Room on the Broom” by Julia Donaldson to inspire us to be welcoming to all.

Music: Betsy Kepes
Worship Associate: Doug Rubio
RE Ambassador: Wil Rivers
Greeters: Gary & Sally Hoose, Bobbi Haldane
Social Hour Host: JoAnn & Lowell McAllister, Ben & Shelby Hunkins
Collection Counters: David Doran, Ruth Baltus