Sunday Worship 4.19.20

Language, Truth, and Meaning-Making
Laura Rediehs, Virtual Pulpit Guest

We have all noticed how hard it can be to communicate these days, especially when we disagree. One little-known reason is that communication is a mixture of factual claims and meaning-making. While questions of truth are important, our meaning-making—how we try to make sense of our thoughts and experiences—informs how we decide what to believe is true. If just one person in a frustrating disagreement understands this, that person can steer the conversation in a more productive direction.

Laura Rediehs teaches philosophy and peace studies at St. Lawrence University, loves music, and is a Quaker. She is trying to understand the crisis of truth in today’s world in the hope that solving it can help us create a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.

Until further notice, Sunday worship is taking place via Zoom. Instructions to participate can be found here.

Recordings of sermons are posted as soon after the Sunday service as possible.