Sunday Worship 3.14.21

Staying At The Table
The Rev. Lynn Marshall, Pulpit Guest

Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal faith, where we don’t ask one another to profess a shared belief, but to participate in, and act as, a committed community, working faithfully with other communities. Our UU principles are part of our covenant with other Unitarian Universalist congregations in our larger association. This doesn’t guarantee we will never disagree, never feel uncomfortable, never get angry or hurt, never want to walk away. What we promise one another as members of a congregation is that when we are at odds with one another, we will do our very best to work through our differences in ways that are respectful, caring, and constructive. Let’s remind ourselves of some of the tools we have to help us stay at the table.

The Rev. Lyn Marshall serves the Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord, NH as their Minister of Lifespan Faith Development. Prior to entering ministry, she had a career as an early childhood educator. She is the mother of two young adult sons, an animal lover who shares her home with cats and dogs, and an enthusiastic fan of the Rev. James Galasinski, whom she met during their time as seminarians at the Meadville Lombard Theological School.

Find the Order of Service here.

Until further notice, Sunday worship is taking place via Zoom. Instructions to participate can be found here.