In Religious Education This Sunday 2.21.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing a story about praying and the goddess of fire, practicing the skills of listening, introduced to the world’s second largest religion and planning for a worship service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Esther Katz.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Arthur Freeheart and Linda Kenny.

Spirit Play will hear the story “Grandad’s Prayer”.

Teachers: Ron Tavernier, Amy McFarland

Signs of Our Faith will hear a story based on a Hawaiian tale in which Pele, the goddess of fire, visits two families in disguise to teach a lesson of welcoming.  Details about this session

Teachers: Carol Gable, Becky VanDeWater

Toolbox of Faith will reflect on and practice the skills of listening and consider the impact of embracing listening as a quality of our Unitarian Universalist faith.  Details about this session

Teachers: Lorraine Olendzenski, Ruth Baltus

Building Bridges will be introduced to Islam, the world’s second largest faith. Islam, like Hinduism, Christianity, and Judaism, is monotheistic: Muslims believe in one god, whom they call Allah. “Allah” does not mean “God—it means “the God”—so the deity’s very name contains the denial of any other gods.  Details about this session

Teachers: Relani Prudhomme, Geetika Narula

Youth Group will be making final preparation for the upcoming worship service on February 28.

Advisors: Julie VanDuyne, Carol Zimmerman