Gathering the Spirit: IINYS Legislative Action Call


While most of the media attention has been on change of administration in Washington, D.C. this coming Friday, Interfaith Impact of NYS has been focused on the NY Legislature, which began its two-year, 2017-2018, cycle on Wednesday, January 4th. Let’s get together by ZOOM conference and talk about what’s happened so far and what we can expect to weigh in on as as the session progresses. Here’s the call-in information:

Thursday, January 19, 7 PM. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,574464938# or +16465588656,574464938#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 574 464 938
International numbers available:

IINYS attended the People’s State of the State on Tuesday, January 3rd, to join with other groups supporting legislative action on fair taxation, criminal justice reform, economic justice and anti-poverty programs.

On the following day, IINYS Executive Director Robb Smith joined an interfaith coalition of clergy at a well-attended press conference to support raising the age of adult criminal responsibility from 16 to 18. This legislation is being written now and has a chance of passing this year if it gets enough support from people like us.

While we have to wait and see what happens with the federal Affordable Care Act, a New York single-payer health care bill has already been introduced. A similar bill passed the Assembly last session, and there’s a possibility that–depending on what happens at the federal level–we may see all or parts of a single-payer program passing the Senate. We need to talk about how to respond. Health care is high on the agenda for the Labor Religion Coalition and other IINYS allies.

The Reproductive Health Act, which adds Roe v. Wade protections to New York law, is on the Assembly Health Committee agenda for Thursday. We’ll report on that during the call. Meanwhile, if you haven’t done so already, think about putting the Family Planning Advocates Day of Action on your calendar. IINYS supports this advocacy day and we expect a good turnout of IINYS members.

Also on the call agenda, the Executive Budget. We anticipate that the Governor will release itTuesday in separate meetings with the Assembly and senate. We consider the budget to be a moral document that puts our money where our values are. We will have a lot more to say about this document during February and March as the final details are hammered out; meanwhile, let’s take a preliminary look and strategize.

The call will start with a check-in. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and sharing of actions your congregation is involved in. You can also add items to the agenda.

For more information, e-mail