In Religious Education 5.7.17

In religious education this week, our children and youth will learn about the life cycle of frogs, meditate, attend the worship service, offer a worship service and participate in the worship service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Sally Hoose.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Anna Dickinson and Kevin Ball.

Spirit Play will learn about the life cycle of frogs and the importance of caring for the natural world.

Teachers: Margaret Harloe and Jeff Rousell

Our Caring Community will engaged in embodying our faith with prayer and meditation.  They will hear a story, walk a labyrinth and make prayer beads.

Teachers: Janet McFarland and Kathy Wyckoff

Maker Space will be attending the Coming of Age worship service.  They will have an opportunity to observe this important ritual in our faith community.

Coming of Age will offering the worship service this Sunday.  They will be sharing their faith credos and making the formal transition into adolescents.

Youth Group will participate in the Coming of Age worship service.  They will be welcoming the COA class to the youth group community.