Sunday Worship & Volunteers 8.27.17

I’ll Meet You There: Learning from Islam

Bob LaVallee, Pulpit Guest

There is a lovely poem by Rumi that includes the line “Out beyond the ideas of wrong and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Islam, which Rumi practiced, has much to teach us. Drawing from my study of Islam and my experiences with Muslims – and non-Muslims! – in Afghanistan and in America, this sermon will talk about the everyday practices of Muslims and our relationship to the idea of Islam.

Bob LaVallee is a candidate for UU ministry living in Buffalo. A veteran who’s worked as a chaplain at the VA, Bob is delighted to be returning to preach at the UU Church of Canton for the third time.

Lay Leader: Doug Rubio
Collection Counters: Lonie Bogett, Will Siegfried
Religious Education: RE Fun Day