Sunday Worship & Volunteers 2.4.18

Whitney Young: Not the Loudest But the Most Effective

The Rev. James Galasinski

Young was a UU African American civil rights leader who worked within the system to effect change. He was friends with the powerful but worked with the powerless. His strategy, which often took a moderating view, made enemies with extremists on both sides. His pragmatic leadership style is needed today more than ever.

Discussion with the Rev. Galasinski to follow 10 minutes after the service in the Romer Room.

Music: Sondra Proctor, organ; Handbell Choir

Sunday Volunteers
Worship Associate: Kim Bouchard
RE Ambassador: Jeff Frank
Greeters: Pat Gengo, Kevin Ball & Ruth Baltus, Carol & Phil LaMarcheSocial Hour Host: Leo Burger, Carol Gable, Relani Prudhomme
Collection Counters: David Doran, Ruth Baltus