Sunday Worship 5.10.20

Bigger Boat Home
The Rev. Jon Coffee, Virtual Pulpit Guest

We’ve been sailing all our lives now, never a time like this have we known. In the era of Covid-19, the task of social justice and mercy require creatively re-imagining the work before us. We will be joined by the Rev. Jon Coffee who shares a message about making sure there’s enough room in our boat for everyone.

The Rev. Coffee serves as the Assistant Director of Financial Aid and Student Services at our seminary, Meadville Lombard Theological School. He will join us from his home in Knoxville, Tennessee where he lives with his husband, Keith, and their big fluffy cat, Cookie. Cookie doesn’t have much interest in boats or theology.

Until further notice, Sunday worship is taking place via Zoom. Instructions to participate can be found here.

The Order of Service is online here.

Recordings of sermons are posted as soon after the Sunday service as possible.