Speed Pledging – October 24 & 27

This past Sunday Budget and Finance Chair Milner Grimsled presented the budget goal approved by Church Council for 2016, which call for an increase of approximately 4%. This increase will allow us to meet the 2016 COLA (cost of living adjustment) for the wonderful church staff who so ably support our various Canton UU ministries. This translates into a goal of $15,000 over last year’s canvass target. How will meet this target?

First, thanks to the generosity of a number of members of our congregation, we have built a $10,000 matching fund that will allow for a dollar-for-dollar match for all first-time pledges and for all increases in on-going pledges over 2015 levels. The Stewardship Committee hopes the matching fund will motivate everyone to increase their current pledge.

Second, we’re asking more people to get involved in the shared ministry of stewardship by participating in one of theses “Appreciative Speed Pledging” sessions:

Saturday October 24th from 10 am to 11:30 am
Tuesday October 27th from 7 pm to 8:30 pm

Join us for what promises to be an invigorating and spirited discussion of how we fund our values! Email the church office or the Stewardship Committee to sign up for one of the sessions.