Let’s Dream! 2017 Canvass

The annual canvass for the 2017 operating budget kicked off on Sunday, October 16!

As we begin our journey with James, the canvass theme, “Dreams for the Future,” asks each of us to consider how we will grow and where we will go as a church community. What are your dreams for the UU Church of Canton? And how is dreaming connected to the operating budget?

The operating budget is how we support the programs offered by the church, and most importantly, the staff that support these programs. If you attend Sunday worship, send your children to religious education, use the church building for meetings with an outside group, or support ministry to the world beyond our church walls, you have experienced the need for our operating budget. More information about how we fund the programs of the church is here.

This year, the Stewardship Committee is inviting you to participate Appreciative Speed Pledging sessions. Each session will last a little over an hour; it will be an opportunity to make new friends and reacquaint with familiar faces while sharing conversations about the role our church plays in our lives and our wider community. We will wrap up the evening by asking you to complete a pledge of support to our church for the upcoming year.

Follow this link to sign up for Appreciative Speed Pledging.

Childcare will be available on request.

At this time of year, we often hear stories of love and gratitude for our church and community. Read one such story by Bill Short here.