Joys & Sorrows: What’s in Your Heart?

Did you light a candle in church on Sunday? Do you have something on your mind or in your heart that you’d like to share? James’ column in the April newsletter reminds us that we can’t be there for each other if we don’t know what’s going on in each others’ lives.

The Communications Committee wants to help you share your joy, sorrow, or concern. The bulletin board beside the elevator in the Social Room is now the place for sharing with our church community. Brightly colored slips of paper are available for you to write a brief note about what’s on your mind. You may tack it on the board to share publicly, or if it’s a private message for the minister, staff, or Caring Circle, slip it in the small box by the bulletin board. All notes in the box will be confidentially handled by James and the staff. Be sure to note if you’d like James or a worship associate to share your concern with the congregation during the pastoral prayer time.

Let us know if you have questions or suggestions for making sharing easy and comfortable for all.