Installation of the Rev. James Galasinski 4.30.17

All Are Cordially Invited
to the Installation of the Reverend James Galasinski
as the 32nd Settled Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton
Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 10:30 a.m.
A reception will follow in the Social Room

An installation is the formal ceremony acknowledging the covenant, or sacred promise, between a settled minister and the congregation they serve. It is a big celebration where the minister and congregation are charged to create beloved community together. It is one of the most joyful and important events in our shared ministry together and formalizes our commitment to one another.

James’ installation will include local clergy, ministers emeriti, and guests from our larger faith movement and special music for the celebration. A special offering will be received to benefit the Living Tradition Fund and the Meadville Lombard Tuition Aid fund. Learn more about that here.

A special dinner will be held on Saturday, April 29, at the church, and the whole congregation is invited to attend with our out-of-town guests.

If you plan to attend the dinner, please contact the office at or 315-386-2498. We ask that you respond before Monday, April 24, so we can be prepared with the right amount of food, tables, and chairs.