In Religious Education This Sunday 2.7.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing a story about love, exploring the six pillars of community, reflecting on the universality of love, learning about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation and planning attendance to a Youth Con.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is David Bradford.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Barbara Beekman and Emily Dixon.

Spirit Play will hear the story “I Love You Sun, I Love You Moon”. This story teaches about our 7th principle of valuing connection in all creation through love.

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier, Amy McFarland

Signs of Our Faith will continue to consider the importance of communities to which they belong, especially their congregation. They will learn about the 6 pillars of community and create bird masks as part of their artistic representation of the “Journey of the Birds” story they heard last week.  Details about this session

Teachers: Carol Gable, Becky VanDeWater

Toolbox of Faith will be engaging in reflection about the strength and universality of love. The symbol for this week is the glove.  Details about this session

Teachers: Lorraine Olendzenski, Kelly Johnson-Eilola

Building Bridges will be continue to explore Christianity with a focus on Martin Luther, the launching of the Protestant Reformation and the continued spread of the religion all over the world.  Details about this session

Teachers: Karen Bage, Will Siegfried

Youth Group will be discussing and planning for their participation in the Buffalo Youth Con.

Advisors: Dwight Stevenson, David Bradford