In Religious Education 5.14.17

In religious education this week, our children and youth will hear a story about friends, embody movement and faith, brainstorm worship ideas, join youth group, and plan for next year.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Esther Katz.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Anna Dickinson and Reg Budelmann.

Spirit Play will hear the story “Five Little Fiends” and  learn about the interconnected web of life.

Teachers: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel and Jeff Rousell

Our Caring Community will embody movement and faith.  They will hear a story, watch a video and dance.

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker and Pete Beekman

Maker Space will brainstorm ideas for participating in RE Sunday and make any final additions to their website.  Please bring computers, tablets and phones.

Teachers: Sally Hoose and Pete Wyckoff

Coming of Age will debrief their worship service and then join the youth group to make plans for next year.

Teachers: Rhonda Rodriguez and Pat Glover

Youth Group will debrief their year, welcome the COA youth and make plans for next year.

Advisors: Carol Zimmerman and all Youth Advisors