In Religious Education 3.8.20

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about searching for truth, explore the importance of kindness to animals, learn about planting a three sisters garden, discuss the responsibility of consent and plan a worship service.  

Our RE Ambassador is Esther Katz.  

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Barb Beekman and Rajiv Narula.  

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Wise People and the Elephant,” and a question of what the truth is. 

Teachers: Todd Moe and Rebecca Pickens 

Love Will Guide Us will focus on the third Unitarian Universalist Source, “the ethical and spiritual wisdom of the world’s religions.”  They will hear the story “The Cat” which comes from the Hindu tradition and illustrates the importance of kindness to animals, reflected in the Hindu teaching of “ahimsa,” or non-harm. 

Teachers: Esther Oey and Becky VandeWater 

Maker Space will continue to learn about community gardening and food security.  They will explore the idea of a planting a three sisters garden. 

Teachers: David Bradford and Miles Manchester 

Jr High OWL will explore forms of sexual violation that can occur between relationship partners, peers, and acquaintances and gain strategies to prevent or handle these violations. The workshop emphasizes that we each have the right to consent or not consent, and we have the responsibility to stand up for ourselves and others in situations of harassment, coercion, or assault. 

Facilitators: Mary Michalek and Jim Williams 

Youth Group will plan their worship service. Please bring your ideas. 

Advisors: Carol Zimmerman and Caroline Rodi