In Religious Education 2.19.17

In religious education this week, our children and youth will hear a story about praying, discuss stereotyping and labeling as part of their look into identity, bake items for an upcoming fundraiser, discover congregational leadership opportunities, and meet the UUA Youth Caucus staff via the web.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Anna Sorensen.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Grace Rousell and Kevin Ball.

Spirit Play will be hearing the story “Granddad’s Prayers” about a boy and his grandfather who shared a love of the natural world.

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Tim Nolan

Our Caring Community will be exploring how to be open to different identities and how this is an exciting and challenging part of being a good human.

Teachers: Anna Sorensen and Becky VandeWater

Maker Space will be baking items for their upcoming bake sale.  We will be going downstairs at 10:30am to begin mixing ingredients.

Teachers: Jim Williams and Pete Wyckoff

Coming of Age will looking at congregational leadership.  We will welcome a few members of the congregation who hold leadership positions to learn what being part of the congregation.

Teachers: Julie VanDuyne and Pat Glover

Youth Group will be joining other youth groups to meet the UUA Youth Caucus and learn more about attending General Assembly.

Advisors: Desiree LeBoeuf and David Bradford