In Religious Education 2.16.20

This Sunday our children and youth will hear the story of a young gardener, look to science as a source of strength in our faith, make plans for a bee hotel, consider the topic of lovemaking and host a guest. 

Our RE Ambassador is Cara Coffin.  

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Barb Beekman and TBA.  

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Empty Pot,” about an emperor and a young honest gardener. 

Teachers: Margaret Harloe and Lois Cutter 

Love Will Guide Us will encounter the fifth Source, which “… counsels us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science… ,” through Unitarian Universalist Cecilia Payne, the first person to be given the title “astronomer.” Children will engage in hands-on scientific investigation to illustrate that Unitarian Universalists value discovery throughout life and use reason as a source of strength in our faith. 

Teachers: Esther Oey and Becky VandeWater 

Maker Space will continue to learn about community gardening and food security.  They will creating a project for our pollinator garden. 

Teachers: David Bradford and Miles Manchester 

Jr High OWL will consider the topic of lovemaking as a positive and life-enhancing experience when it is consensual, non-exploitative, mutually pleasurable, safe, developmentally appropriate, based on mutual expectations and caring, and respectful. 

Facilitators: Todd Moe and Jan DeWaters 

Youth Group will host guest, Aileen O’Donoghue, the Priest Professor of Physics at St. Lawrence University.  She will share her passion for astronomy. 

Advisors: Danny Thomas and Ruth Baltus