In Religious Education 2.12.17

In religious education this week, our children and youth will be hearing a story about butterflies, exploring race and identity, shopping for bake sale supplies, looking at the meaning of leadership and attending the worship service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Esther Katz.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Emily Dixon and Barb Beekman.

Spirit Play will be hearing the story “Butterfly Friends”.  A story to teach about character and prevent bullying.

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Eileen Wheeler

Our Caring Community will be looking at race and identity.  One part of identity is the color of skin you were born with.

Teachers: Anna Sorensen and Becky VandeWater

Maker Space will be shopping for baking items for their upcoming bake sale.  They will travel to Price Chopper to gather their supplies.

Teachers: Jim Williams and Ruth Baltus

Coming of Age will looking at the meaning and practice of leadership.  They will identify their personal leadership qualities as well as recognize conflict as a healthy part of life.

Teachers: Julie VanDuyne and Arthur Freeheart

Youth Group will be attending the worship service to hear Kim Bouchard share aspects of her travels with Semester at Sea that reawakened a commitment to community activism and to trust in the enduring power of love.