In Religious Education 1.19.20

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about snowflakes, explore a big question, learn about immigration issues, learn skills to be good friends and partners, and view a short movie. 

Our Acting DRE is Shelby Hunkins and our RE Ambassador is Wil Rivers.  

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Kathy Wyckoff and Leo Burger.  

Spirit Play will hear “Snowflake Bentley,” about Wilson Bentley who saw snowflakes as small miracles. He was determined that one day his camera would capture for others the wonder of the tiny crystal.   

Teachers: Wil Rivers and Rebecca Pickens 

Love Will Guide Us will focus on the sixth Unitarian Universalist Source, the harmony of nature and the sacred circle of life.  Drawing on the wisdom of earth-centered traditions, the session connects love with the age-old human question “What happens when we die?” 

Teachers: Heather Rousell and Pete Beekman 

Maker Space will continue to explore the topic of immigration.  We will work with our Social Justice Coordinator to determine a specific project. 

Teachers: Ron Tavernier and Pat Glover 

Jr High OWL will use scripted role plays to learn skills that prepare participants to be best friends and loving partners in lifelong commitments or marital relationships. Focused on listening, being assertive, and using refusal skills, the session can enhance all types of relationships. 

Facilitators: Jan DeWaters and Sarah Oakley 

Youth Group will view the short movie “The World in Your Window” and share their thoughts about this world view.  

Advisors: Gabrielle Clover and Caroline Rodi