Book (Re)Marks – October 2016

Largely through the suggestions of our awesome acquisitions librarian, Judy Gibson (who has an eye for books!), the Coots Library continues to add to its collection. Newly available titles include: Girls and Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape by Peggy Orenstein, Teacher, Guide, Companion: Rediscovering Jesus in a Secular World by Erik Walker Wikstrom, and Bridging the Great God Gap: Finding Common Ground Among Believers, Atheists and Agnostics by Roger C. Schriner. More new books are coming, so come by the library and take a peek.

Thanks to a donation by author Stephen Ledoux, we have his stunning self-published book Beautiful Sights and Sensations: Small Collections of Native American and other Arts, which is dedicated to his lovely wife Nelly Case. This is a great book to page through and relax with. It’s also nice to have such a gorgeous reminder of two community members whose presence at church and in Canton is missed.

We continue to be grateful to all of the people who donate top quality books that match the library’s mission. But please leave a note and let us know who you are so your book can be properly attributed. For example, we appreciate the recent donation of The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hahn. If you are the anonymous donor who left this book in the library, please let someone on the Library Committee know!

Anyone who is interested may take a copy of the small blue pamphlet The First 150 Years: A Sesquicentennial History of the UU Church, Canton NY 1826-1976. James found a stack of these when he was cleaning out his new office at the church. A copy has been safely archived in the library and we have many extras, so help yourself!