Search Committee Covenant

Our goal as the Ministerial Search Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton is the successful settlement of the candidate that best fits the needs of our congregation; if that goal is not attainable, we will so inform the congregation. Throughout the search process, we are guided in our actions and communications by the desire to protect our congregation, ministers in search and their families and congregations, and the minister we hope to call.

Our Covenant with the Congregation

We, the members of the Ministerial Search Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton, commit to uphold the following principles as we move forward on our search process:

1. Recognize and remain grateful for the trust bestowed upon us by the members of our church congregation.
2. Follow the search process and best practices as determined by the UUA Settlement Office based on the experiences of congregations and ministers over decades of time.
3. Conduct our work with due diligence and to the best of our ability.
4. Keep the congregation informed of the search process.
5. Maintain transparency in the search process. We will not keep secrets from the congregation. We will keep some information confidential until we are able to share it.

In addition to our covenant with you, we hope that the congregation will help us with the search in the following ways:

1. Recognize and remain grateful for the trust you have bestowed upon the search committee.
2. Participate in the search to the fullest extent that you can. Your participation might include completing the congregational survey, attending “cottage meetings,” and participating in Candidating Week. At times, we will need added support, which might include help with child care or meals as we work.
3. Help us to maintain transparency in the search process. If you have a question, reach out and ask a member of the committee. If you have a concern, reach out and tell a member of the committee.
4. Understand that we will share as much information as we can and that we cannot share all information.

We acknowledge and are grateful to the church groups from which the search committee members have stepped away or reduced their roles. Thank you to those who step up during the search process to do work that we would otherwise do with you.

Erika Barthelmess, Kim Bouchard, Jon Montan, Rajiv Narula,
Jenn Whittaker, Theresa Witmer, Pete Wyckoff