Religious Education Choice

Join us two Sundays a month at 1pm via Zoom to explore ways to develop UU religious identity and live your faith values. There will be three different options each session. If there are multiple children in your household, they will need to all decide which breakout room they would like to attend or join the Zoom meeting on separate devices.

Legends and Tales

In this breakout space, we will hear a story that offers wisdom on how to live our UU values in this ever changing world.

Creativity Realm

In this breakout space, we will explore our faith values through making things. We will use commonly used craft items and household objects to create beautiful and fun projects to learn what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist today.

Wisdom Keepers Room

In this breakout room, we will nurture our UU identity by exploring topics that help us live into our faith values of creating a world filled with justice, liberty and peace.