Listening Session 8.19.20

Join us Wednesday, August 19 at 6 p.m.

What is on your mind and in your hearts during these trying times?

We have not been able to be physically together for a long time now. The online worship services have served to keep us united, and as the Council strives to find a way forward into the uncertain future, it is important that we consider the concerns, hopes and aspirations of the Congregation.

If you cannot make it to the meeting at that time, please feel free to communicate your ideas, thoughts and feelings to Sara Trimm at the Church office by email so your voice will be heard.

The Zoom meeting invitation is included here. The session will be moderated so that we can allow time for everyone share. The session will be recorded so that we can refer back to the information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Meeting ID: 970 9405 0509 Passcode: 071909

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