2020 Canvass


Every fall we ask church members and friends to renew their financial commitment to the church during the annual canvass. Last year, our  “Mission Possible!” pledge drive focused on the then-new mission statement and making its aspirations a reality. With enthusiastic and generous support, we raised more than $265,000 in pledges, and were able to add two new part-time staff positions for work on social justice and religious education.

The Canvass Committee has worked hard and thoughtfully to develop the theme and goals for the 2020 canvass. Growing our Faith is this year’s theme and our most important goal is to sustain the success of the 2019 pledge year, maintaining the two positions we were able to add earlier this year.

Growing our Faith is meaningful to us as individuals and to our entire church community. Our faith evolves over time as does our church community, ever adapting to the individuals who make up our congregation and ever responding to the needs of the greater community. We strive to do great work and help all but without the financial commitment we make to our church each fall, this work and help would not happen. And the greater connection to ourselves and church community wouldn’t be possible.
-Steven Coffin, Canvass Committee Chair

The Canvass

The canvass kicked off on Sunday, October 6, and trained volunteer canvasser are now contacting members and friends to set up a visit. Canvassers hope to meet with everyone in the household who is part of your pledge decision – spouses, partners, family members. Please welcome canvassers warmly!

The personal conversations will allow you to speak about your connection to our church and your thoughts about how our church and congregation help us all grow our faith. At the end of the visit the canvasser will ask you to complete a pledge card, which they will return to the canvass chair.

We have asked the canvass team to make their appointments and return pledge cards before the end of October. We hope you will work with them to meet that schedule.

Friends and members at a distance can expect a letter from our minister the Reverend James Galasinski
and Canvass Chair Steven Coffin. You are welcome to reply by mail, but if you would like to have a
personal conversation – by phone or in person – please contact Steve or the church office.

During October, several members of our congregation will share stories of their paths to finding a spiritual home at our church and why they are committed to its ongoing support. Recordings of their stories will be shared here.

Canvass Goals

As you consider your contribution to support the life and work of our church, remember that together we must:

♦ Maintain our beautiful building

♦ Continue our Fair Share contributions to the UUA

♦ Value our minister and staff with fair compensation

♦ Support our growing Religious Education and Social Justice programs

Please be thinking about these themes and goals so you can participate fully in the conversation and be prepared to make your pledge at the end of the meeting…so we can make all these great things happen!

If you have questions before or after the canvass, please feel free to follow up with your canvasser or speak to a member of the Canvass Committee (below).


Canvass at a Glance

For 2020, the proposed budget is $297,000

The canvass goal to help us meet that budget is $265,000.

In 2019, 88 percent of our church’s operating budget came from pledges.

The average pledge for 2019 was $1,905.

2019 Giving Levels

2019 Budget

Options for Paying Your Pledge

Stewardship Committee: Steve Coffin, chair; Peter Beekman, Louise Bixby, Tim Opdyke, Carol Pynchon, Bill Short, Jenn Whittaker; the Rev. James Galasinski

Rainbow Coalition tulip collection