
Our church is located in the heart of a vibrant musical community, supported in part by activities and organizations at four outstanding academic institutions, including the renowned Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam. In addition to the music played on our historic organ, we have regular performances by our adult and children’s choirs and handbell choir. Other accomplished church members and guests also perform at Sunday services from time to time. 

music_3Adult Choir

The choir is composed of adults and teenagers who like to sing. Music reading ability is helpful, but not necessary. New members are always welcome!

Occasionally, special programs like the Holiday Pageant require extra rehearsals. The rehearsal schedule is emailed to members, published in the monthly newsletter, and listed on the calendar.

The choir sings a wide variety of music from all periods and from many cultures and traditions. Some pieces are sung a cappella, others with accompaniment by organ, piano, percussion, or other instruments.


Children’s Choir

The Children’s Choir is open to all 2nd to 6th graders who like to sing. The choir performs approximately twice each year, at the December holiday pageant and the spring Religious Education Sunday.

Rehearsals are held after church for several weeks preceding each worship service, and are announced in the monthly newsletter, in Sunday orders of service, on the calendar, and through sign-up sheets in the church Social Room. New members are always welcome.


Handbell Choir

Our church has enjoyed the use of a three-octave set of Schulmerich bells since the late 1980s.

For prospective ringers, no prior experience is required but basic familiarity with the music staff and rhythmic notation are needed. High school students as well as adults are welcome to participate.

Handbell Introits

Handbell introits are played at the opening of some Sunday morning services offering another opportunity for anyone aged 7 and up to ring handbells. These pieces are no more than eight bars long and are performed by just a pair of ringers. They are designed with the musical novice in mind. Playing an introit is a one-time commitment, requiring only a brief rehearsal shortly before church on a designated Sunday.

Our Historic Organ

We are proud of our historic tracker organ. Find more information and pictures here.

Music for worship is overseen by the Music Committee

View Music Committee