September SASO – Southern Poverty Law Center

Our Social Action Shared Offering (SASO) for September will be received on September 17 in support of the work of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

If you are new to our congregation, you may be asking, “What is a Social Action Shared Offering?” On designated days throughout the year, our Sunday collection (i.e., plate cash plus any checks with the memo “SASO”) is allocated to a specific local, national or international organization outside the church. These shared offerings help us learn about current social justice issues and offer us ways to support a variety of social justice organizations.

In light of the recent events in our country, we are asking your support for the critical work of the SPLC. You can learn more about their important work here. The Southern Poverty Law Center works tirelessly to make our country one that respects the inherent dignity of each person. In these troubled times, they need our support more than ever. We hope you will join us on September 17 with your contribution that will assure that the SPLC will be there in the future, continuing to fight hate and discrimination on our behalf. If you will not be in church that day, you may send a check to the Church Office, clearly memoed “SASO-SPLC.”