In Religious Education 3.18.18

This Sunday in religious education, our children will be hearing a story about a brave ant, continuing to consider injustice and inequality, continuing to determine a social justice project, continuing to explore Hinduism and providing a worship service. 

This Sunday our RE Ambassador is Shelby Hunkins.  

Nursery will be open and staffed by Rachel Sturges and Sara Hutcheson. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “Hey Little Ant”, a violet principle story where we value the interdependence with nature.  A young boy and a brave ant talk about why the ant’s life might be important. 

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Jeff Rousell 

Moral Tales will continue to explore injustice and inequality in our world, and the importance of working for justice. They will rehear a story about a kingdom in which many people do not have enough food and then experience a similar injustice while sharing snack. 

Teachers: Sue Powers and Pete Beekman 

Maker Space will begin working on creating a book about taking care of the natural world which will be given to our nursery and Spirit Play classes.  Look for a bake sale in the near future to raise money for the ASPCA. 

Teachers: Paul Siskind and Pat Glover 

Neighboring Faiths will explore Hinduism.  They will travel to Rajiv and Geetika Narula’s home.  They will be departing church at 10:30am and returning by 11:45am. 

Teachers:  Rajiv Narula and Debra Mitchell 

Youth Group will provide the worship service.  They will share their ideas on what it is like to live in a society where school shootings are the norm and what we can do beyond thoughts and prayers.